
Alan Dean Shariff is an artist best known for his Black art prints and reproduction relating to Africa, African Americans, and Caribbean people and culture. “Being an African American myself, I am more comfortable presenting my perspective on Afro-Americana, if there is such a word. I respect the artists involved in abstract art, but I prefer to present life without distortion,” said Alan Dean. “Along with aesthetics, I would rather have a message, too. I am unknown to most people as an artist today, but I have been creating my artwork since the mid-1970s. Early in my art career, I had the honor of presenting a drawing I did of Muhammad Ali to him that he hung in his training camp in Deer Lake Pa until it closed. Furthermore, I was fortunate to have visited Muhammed Ali’s training camp on a few occasions, where I had an opportunity to talk privately with him about my art…. Read more
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